Freight2020 wins fastest-growing software award (woohoo!)
“When we first started working with CMS Transport Systems in early 2012, if I’d predicted that Freight2020 would become the Australian market leader within three years, and the fastest-selling Progress-based solution in the Asia-Pacific region within four years, I would have come across to CMS like just another hyperbolic marketer. Look now.”
– Melanie Williamson on B2B marketing for CMS Transport Systems (Freight2020) since early 2012

The real (but almost invisible) Progress Software award to CMS for year-over-year growth in sales of the Freight2020 transport management system (2015).
Nobody could have been prouder of CMS Transport Systems than our team when the Freight2020 transport management system was named the fastest-growing Progress-based software solution for the APJ (Asia/Pacific/Japan) region at an international software awards event in Las Vegas, February 2016.
It was only four years since CMS decided to ‘get serious’ about their marketing of Freight2020. Engaging Ginormous as B2B marketing partners for achievement of long-term objectives was their first step, and the right one.
Back then there was a market leader in transport management systems, and it wasn’t CMS. The tagline for Freight2020 was “the best-kept secret in transport management systems”, which was at least truthful. Although Freight2020 was superior to competitive offerings in every respect, the brand “Freight2020” was less well-known than “CMS” which was in itself a confusing acronym, and the suite of Freight2020 marketing collateral – starting with the unresponsive website – didn’t do any justice.
How CMS recovered from undermarketing and took Freight2020 to the top
Let me make it perfectly clear that CMS had a great marketing vehicle in Freight2020. We saw Freight2020 as a brilliant, well-established solution which was falling short of its full potential in the marketplace (as is often the case with vertical-market solutions) only because of under-marketing.
Marketing is often confused with activities like ‘website design’ and ‘promotions’ which are merely functions of marketing, not the full ticket. Understanding the merits of taking an holistic approach to growth in sales revenue, CMS was willing to join with us in a complete rethink of their marketing approach to Freight2020. We worked together until the marketing mindset – being focused on the customer journey, starting with product development and flowing through pre-sales, sales and customer acquisition, delivery and service, customer retention and cross-selling – formed into a powerful and extremely productive ‘circle-of-life’ for CMS.
Success and growth became inevitable. It was time to say “hello” to market leadership and adjust to being a bigger, busier company with many more customers as the new normal. After more than 35 years helping customers and perfecting the world’s-greatest-transport-management-system in Freight2020, overnight success for CMS is well-deserved and never taken for granted.
B2B lead generation services
If a company comes to us for just B2B lead generation services, we can only provide referrals and wish them well because lead generation shouldn’t be confined to a bolt-on or silo. We’re not interested in companies wanting to ‘buy leads’, as if by the kilogram or tonne, like a commodity. Leads are human beings, people – many of them more discerning than you!
We know that lead generation is the natural by-product of great products and services, communications, experiences, and relationships. To work with Ginormous, the process of lead generation is fully woven into the fabric of the marketing effort.
New logo 2013 (before and after)
New website 2015 (before and after - features dynamic video header)
Freight2020 app (before and after)
Visit the website